Month: December 2020

The Christmas Pig-Deer Upcycle

It’s an Ecopsyched! Holiday Upcycle Join me for this holiday upcycle episode, and discover what becomes of the trashy treasures collected from the river during our last outing. This artsy attempt toes the line between pig and reindeer! With each upcycle project comes some level of intention. I typically imagine the possibilities for my trashy…

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The Christmas Pine

The Rooted Holiday Tree One of my favorite holiday memories is trudging through the snow as a child with my family to cut our Christmas tree. I loved being in the woods, the smell of pine sap, and the warmth of holiday feelings. As an adult, I appreciate my Christmas trees rooted and growing tall,…

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The First Ecopsyched! Upcycle

Chesapeake Bay Upcycle Accomplished! Have you ever seen a pretty piece of trash and thought it would look nice on your mantel? No? Trash rarely reveals its potential without some intention on behalf of the spectator. More often these days, I catch myself staring at metal scraps and driftwood. Perhaps it’s because of my new…

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Below the Cliffs

Little Revelations Below the Cliffs I’m psyched to invite you along on my first video adventure. Join me for a zen-ful experience below the cliffs of the Chesapeake Bay. And get a peek at the trashy-treasure that will become the first ever Ecopsyched! upcycle project (tune in next week). I didn’t realize it would be,…

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