The Christmas Pig-Deer Upcycle

Join me for this holiday upcycle episode, and discover what becomes of the trashy treasures collected from the river during our last outing. This artsy attempt toes the line between pig and reindeer!
With each upcycle project comes some level of intention. I typically imagine the possibilities for my trashy treasure finds before falling asleep at night. It may take me days to dream up a plan.
The bottles I pulled from the river for this upcycle episode proved especially uninspiring to me, perhaps because I find this trash on the trails so often that I see it only as a nuisance. I looked online for a little upcycling inspiration, though I was intent on creating something original. I took a few tips from others, and then I started cutting, gluing, and painting intuitively. I even made my first attempt at resin casting!
I’m excited you’re joining me for more upcycling fun. The process for this holiday “pig-deer” upcycle went better than I anticipated, and I hope you have as much fun watching as I had creating. Tune in to the video below for a funky and functional holiday art reveal.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! And Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and a joyous Winter Solstice too!
-Lisa B
PS: Do you collect trash when you’re in nature? Do you see upcycle potential in your muddy finds? Leave me a note below about the inspiration you find outdoors.
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The Christmas Pig-Deer Upcycle: Copyright © Lisa Barry 2020.
Dude by Patrick Patrikios
We Made It by Reed Mathis
Patience by Dyalla
Sky Scraper by Geographer
Silver Skies by The 126ers
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Thank you!
Mind blown! I couldn’t imagine what you could possibly create from such mundane pieces of trash. Brilliant! I can envision that as a planter this Spring with a colorful plant or two in your yard!
Thank you, btw, for rescuing the river water from that antifreeze! When I see water bottles, soda cans of etc. blowing around, I like to assume they just blew out of someone’s recycle bin on a windy day, but it’s harder to believe the antifreeze bottle with antifreeze still inside was ever discarded properly. Thanks for saving the water from further contamination.
Hi, Rose! Thanks for leaving a comment. I’m thrilled you like my little pig-deer! I was tickled with the playful outcome. With these projects, I never know (1) what trashy treasures I’ll find, and (2) what I can create with them.
I also wonder how the antifreeze ended up in the river. The optimist in me wants to assume the same as you – that it blew down the hillside through the forest accidentally. But the realist expects it was easier to toss in the river than dispose of it properly. I was relieved to divert it from our waterways and sewer/drinking water. But even taking it to the transfer station for proper disposal seemed arbitrary, since it will end up somewhere on this earth, along with the trash from the trails that I recycle or throw away. I remind myself that my goal with these projects is to clean the natural places I visit and encourage others to do the same. Bonus: You never know what treasures you might find. 😉
Thanks again for tuning in!
-Lisa B
How imaginative and novel … taking unsightly trash discarded by [supposedly] careless people and using it to fabricate something decorative that not only can put a smile on someone’s face but also be useful around the house. To boot, you discovered and responsibly disposed of material (antifreeze) that potentially could/would have harmed wild living things, or maybe even humans.
I am impressed by your creativity and look forward to your next innovations. Keep them coming!
Hi, Ron! Thanks for your lovely note and for tuning in to this upcycle episode! I admit that I didn’t know what would become of these trashy treasures, but I was also relieved they were out of the water and off the trails. Luckily, some funky (and functional, as you mentioned) art emerged.
Thanks again for coming along. I hope you’ll stay tuned for the next adventure!
-Lisa B