The Lonely Castle Upcycle

Each of my outdoor adventures offers something different for me and you—a beach one warm day and an abandoned quarry another. Last week’s visit to The Lonely Castle was my favorite so far. I got to be outside, soaking in a cool, sunny winter day, and I got to go back in time as I peeked into an early 1900s sorority castle. Not to mention, I found some intriguing trashy treasures for this week’s upcycle!
I’m realizing that one of my biggest challenges is deciding which trashy treasures to use in each upcycle. I collect quite a bit of trash during each of my outings. This one was no different. In fact, I collected the most trash from the grounds of the castle than during any other Ecopsyched! outdoor adventure to date.
One of my favorite finds in the woods below the castle was this beautiful, petite glass bottle. When I found it in the leaves, I thought it was made of green glass because of the amount of mud and algae collected inside. It turns out, it’s clear and clean and ready for a flower. It did not lend itself well to this Lonely Castle Upcycle, but it has already found a space in my studio where I can admire it every day. And I wanted to feature it here so it gets the special recognition it deserves. 🙂
So what trashy treasures made the cut?
I hope you’ll join me for this upcycle adventure to see which of the trashy treasure finds at the castle claimed a spot in the new art piece on my wall. HINT: here’s the main character. You won’t believe what becomes of it in this Lonely Castle Upcycle episode!
Perhaps this episode will inspire you to explore what’s outside your door and collect and upcycle some trashy treasures of your own.
Happy exploring!
-Lisa B
Thank you for joining me on this and future adventures. Be well!
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The Lonely Castle Upcycle: Copyright © Lisa Barry 2021.
Broken by Patrick Patrikios
Benji by Dyalla
Outside the Box by Patrick Patrikios
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Amazing result, Lisa B! Loved both the repurposing of the “B”-side of your older painting and the inclusion of glass from the original castle windows. 🙂
Elaine, thank you! I had fun with this one and am pretty tickled with the art (always a gamble with upcycling!).
Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join me again next week. 🙂
-Lisa B