A New Season on the Horizon
A very warm welcome to you in the new Studio Blog at Ecopsyched! You’ll find all the original eco art blog posts here, along with future posts focusing on studio musings. From creative writing and podcasting to a whimsical new style of illustrating, I’ll be sharing my trials and victories for our shared amusement and growth.
As the world wraps its head around a new way of existing in a global pandemic, many of us are forced to reinvent the way we do business. As a designer in the events industry accustomed to globe-trotting, staying at home has brought me both challenges and triumphs. It’s what I dreaded when I imagined a life without the excitement of travel, and what I dreamed about when working hard at 3:00 am in my hotel room while staring down a 6:00 am crew call.
My new normal arrived on a wave of personal economic standstill. The events industry has all but gone dark, save for conferences that are meeting the online virtual challenge. For those who work full-time with event companies and have so far escaped furlough, work continues. For me and most of my freelance friends, the life and livelihood to which we had become accustomed disappeared in a matter of less than 24 hours. Already checked into my flight, I received my first cancellation early last month. The rest soon followed, as they should have for the health and safety of every meeting planner, producer, tech, attendee, and local community.
This turn of events was abrupt and disruptive for everyone in my industry, and I imagine for most folks in every other industry, whether out of work or carrying a heavier load. I will make of my situation what I can. While I miss my clients and coworkers and the excitement of life on the road, my job is one of chaos and anxiety. I am (was) constantly striving to meet demands, and no hour of the day is (was) immune to work expectations. Now, I’m thankful to be healthy, taking multiple walks a day, reconnecting with home life, and reinvesting in my so-called right brain. I’m not yet sure if this new way of living is permanent for me, but it looks as though it will last for a spell, and I’m soaking in every minute.
So, what am I doing with this newfound time?! Other than $0 in income for the foreseeable future, I have almost nothing else working against my creative ambitions. While others take on the heroic tasks of working on the front lines, homeschooling their kids, feeding their families on little-to-no income (for some, a multiple whammy), and so on, I face none of these challenges (and feel guilty about saying so). And so, I’m leaning deep into the passion project I launched last year – Ecopsyched! And I intend to use it for good.
Pre-pandemic plans were in the works to launch a new season of Ecopsyched! with a new category of episodes this summer (2020). I’m excited to be expediting the launch, which is now slated for next month, May 2020! I’m reimagining and reinventing (and a little bit panicking). I hope you’ll find the content as soothing, distracting, and entertaining as I do while I dream up, write, illustrate, and narrate each and every episode with you and our healing natural world in mind. From my little guest-bedroom studio to your eyes and ears, I can barely wait to meet you here again next month.
In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, my local and global friends.
-Lisa B
Love the thoughtful, positive outlook in these somewhat dark times. Look forward to a growing and expanding Ecopsyched! Stay safe, and know you have supporting friends!
Thank you, Jim! I’m grateful for your support, and I hope you’re sailing again soon. 🙂
Thank you Lisa B!!
Thank you for tuning in, Derek!
I can’t wait to see where your creativity takes us!
Thanks, Amy! I’m excited you’re coming along for the ride!