Collaborate with nature to create tiny homes!
Everything in miniature size is cuter. But if you’re a fairy or gnome, these homes are sized accordingly. Imagine glancing out your kitchen window to see a gnome lounging with a book on your custom-made thumb-size porch swing.
Creating fairy and gnome homes is a fun project for humans of all ages. In fact, I created these miniature townhomes just a few years ago for a festival at a local sculpture garden and arts center. The process was investigative, experimental and challenging. You can tackle any scale fairy home project you like. From using construction tools to simply stacking sticks, the key is to be outdoors and having fun.
Most of all, have fun while soaking up the benefits of being outdoors!
Lisa B
Fairy and gnome homes come in all shapes and sizes, are made with all kinds of materials and can be found hidden in gardens, flowering fields and enchanted forests.
This fairy community is made from the following materials and with the loose instructions below. Adult supervision is suggested for this project.
- Large planter
- Fallen bamboo
- Glass bowls
- Plastic sheets
- Liquid nails
- Spanish and other mosses (store bought)
- Tree bark
- Sticks
- Pebbles
- Rope
- Paints
- Super glue
Because this project was trial and error and error and error … and then success, I’ll share a few helpful instructions and allow for your alterations.
There is an abundance of bamboo (beautiful, but non-native and invasive) where I live. I found two armsful of dry rods on the ground and trimmed and split them in half length-wise to match. I allowed for some longer and shorter rods to leave room for doors and windows, which involved mostly (gu)estimations for spacing. I weaved string between the rods at the tops and bottoms to form the towers and secured them with liquid nails at the seems. This was a tricky task, and perhaps you’ll find an easier way to piece together the walls.
Once joined, I painted/stained the bamboo. I arranged upside down scenes inside the glass bowls with sticks, moss, glue and a little “fairy tale” book prop in one. I then flipped the bowls, bottom sides up, and glued the rims to the bamboo towers. I glued two different kinds of moss to the tops of the glass to give the homes a woodsy feel.
I cut squares from plastic craft sheets, glued them over the window holes and arranged bark for the window trims. I used whole bark pieces for the front doors. Finally, I used more liquid nails to affix three thick sticks inside the tower walls (via the open tower bottoms) so that the sticks extended about 5 inches below the bottom of the towers. When dry, I pushed the towers into the packed garden soil of the planter.
All that was left were the finishing touches – some pebbles, draped moss and an escape ladder for when the pesky humans come a’snoopin’ (I know, I know: fairies can fly).
Have fun attempting this style or one of your very own!
Fairy Houses: How to Create Whimsical Homes for Fairy Folk*
Fairy Garden Ideas
Large Planter*
Glass Bowl*
Liquid Nails*
Spanish Moss*
Super Glue*
*(paid link) You will not be charged additional fees for purchasing products through affiliate links.
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