After adopting her son from China several years prior, we tag along with Stephanie on a China adventure to bring Daphne home. Meanwhile, husband Dave and son Travis sit tight at home in anticipation. Join us for the touching story of a family navigating the China adoption process to complete their family of four.

In this first episode in a series of three, we’ll meet the family and set off to China. We’ll touch down in Beijing and get settled in our hotel. And we’ll discuss technology and other information helpful for navigating Chinese culture.

You Might Enjoy This Episode:
If you’re interested in adoption, foreign adoption, foreign travel, China adoption, China travel, technology for traveling, technology for China

Notable Times:
1:56 – Meet the family
5:31 – Touchdown in China
6:58 – Power adapters/converters
8:22 – Flights and arriving in Beijing
11:33 – Adoption agency
13:07 – Technology needs 
13:59 – VPN (virtual private network)
16:20 – Getting online
16:47 – Social media and staying in touch
18:06 – The reason (heart-to-heart)

You Might Also Enjoy:
FEATURE: Adopting Daphne: Being Tourists (Episode 2 of 3)
FEATURE: Adopting Daphne: Daphne (Episode 3 of 3)

Bethany Christian Services
China Adoption
Express VPN
Power Adapter & Converter

*(paid link) You will not be charged additional fees for purchasing products through affiliate links.

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This episode was produced prior to the inception of Ecopsyched! Please see newer episodes to learn what Ecopsyched! is doing to offset its carbon footprint.

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